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+++Games Informing the Urban Development+++

+++Ekim Tan+++



Grafisch ontwerper

Mainstudio, Edwin van Gelder

Aantal pagina's



17 x 23 cm




Verschijningsdatum: Oktober 2017

Deze publicatie is mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie en de Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting.

Meer informatie over Play the City:


"New generations of city officers will speak the language of games and they will play to plan their cities. We, the experts working for the city, need to adapt our methods to fit a new generation of policymakers and city makers that are born into a world that not only contains, but is reshaped by, the likes of Minecraft, Pokemon Go and Foursquare on a daily basis. Interactive maps, mixed realities, 3D environments, and multiplayer settings are the new mediums through which an entire generation perceives the urban world. Imagine a future where cities are modeled, tested, designed, and reshaped through interactive, collaborative games. At Play the City, we are working towards creating this future. This book therefore will inspire not only the city officers or experts in city making, as architects and planners, but anyone who feels interested and responsible for their living environments." - Ekim Tan, founder Play the City Foundation

Een nieuw boek door Play the City. Play the City. Games informing the Urban Development is een vervolg op het proefschrift 'Negotiation and Design for the Self-organizing City: Gaming as a Method for Urban Design' van de initiatiefnemer van Play the City, Ekim Tan. Play the City heeft de afgelopen jaren grondig onderzocht welke mogelijkheden gaming kan bieden om een meer dynamische stadsontwikkeling mogelijk te maken.

Van Kaapstad tot Amsterdam tot Istanbul, bespreekt Tan de specifieke toepassingen en uitkomsten van City Gaming wereldwijd, zo ook de nieuwe instrumenten die Play the City ontwikkelde om de bestaande planningsmechanismen voor steden te verbeteren. Het boek, vormgegeven door Mainstudio uit Amsterdam, is opgebouwd uit verschillende delen. Zo staat in een van de delen de door Play the City ontwikkelde City Gaming methode centraal. Deze methode wordt gepresenteerd door middel van een algemene handleiding. In een ander hoofdstuk gaat de auteur in op voorbeelden van toepassingen van gaming binnen de stad. Voorts komen de games die Play the City heeft georganiseerd in verschillende steden in Europa, Midden-Oosten en Afrika, en interviews met internationale gaming experts zoals Eric Gordon, Pablo Suarez en Molini Dutta aanbod.

About the author: Born in Istanbul, Ekim Tan relocated to the Netherlands after having worked and studied in the United States, Syria and Egypt. Being trained as an architect, her growing interest and passion in cities and games led to a doctoral degree at the Delft University of Technology, titled 'Negotiation and Design for the Self-organizing City: Gaming as a Method for Urban Design'. In 2008, Ekim Tan founded Play the City, an Amsterdam and Istanbul based city consultancy firm that helps governments and market parties effectively collaborate with stakeholders. Since developing the City Gaming method during her doctoral research at the Delft University of Technology, it has been applied in projects worldwide, among others, in Istanbul, Amsterdam, Tirana, Cape Town and Brussels. In her role at Play the City, Ekim Tan stays well-informed about the latest developments in societies and technologies worldwide. This helps Tan give the right direction to a young and growing firm. Meanwhile, she regularly travels to lecture and give trainings about cities and games; amongst which are Delft University of Technology, Aleppo University for Arts and Sciences, Rotterdam Architecture Academy, Amsterdam Architecture Academy, Copenhagen Business School, and Middle East Technical University.

Games Informing the Urban Development

Ekim Tan



Games Informing the Urban Development

Ekim Tan


Architectuur / Theorie / Stedenbouw



Grafisch ontwerper

Mainstudio, Edwin van Gelder

Aantal pagina's



17 x 23 cm




Verschijningsdatum: Oktober 2017

Deze publicatie is mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie en de Van Eesteren-Fluck & Van Lohuizen Stichting.

Meer informatie over Play the City:

"New generations of city officers will speak the language of games and they will play to plan their cities. We, the experts working for the city, need to adapt our methods to fit a new generation of policymakers and city makers that are born into a world that not only contains, but is reshaped by, the likes of Minecraft, Pokemon Go and Foursquare on a daily basis. Interactive maps, mixed realities, 3D environments, and multiplayer settings are the new mediums through which an entire generation perceives the urban world. Imagine a future where cities are modeled, tested, designed, and reshaped through interactive, collaborative games. At Play the City, we are working towards creating this future. This book therefore will inspire not only the city officers or experts in city making, as architects and planners, but anyone who feels interested and responsible for their living environments." - Ekim Tan, founder Play the City Foundation

Een nieuw boek door Play the City. Play the City. Games informing the Urban Development is een vervolg op het proefschrift 'Negotiation and Design for the Self-organizing City: Gaming as a Method for Urban Design' van de initiatiefnemer van Play the City, Ekim Tan. Play the City heeft de afgelopen jaren grondig onderzocht welke mogelijkheden gaming kan bieden om een meer dynamische stadsontwikkeling mogelijk te maken.

Van Kaapstad tot Amsterdam tot Istanbul, bespreekt Tan de specifieke toepassingen en uitkomsten van City Gaming wereldwijd, zo ook de nieuwe instrumenten die Play the City ontwikkelde om de bestaande planningsmechanismen voor steden te verbeteren. Het boek, vormgegeven door Mainstudio uit Amsterdam, is opgebouwd uit verschillende delen. Zo staat in een van de delen de door Play the City ontwikkelde City Gaming methode centraal. Deze methode wordt gepresenteerd door middel van een algemene handleiding. In een ander hoofdstuk gaat de auteur in op voorbeelden van toepassingen van gaming binnen de stad. Voorts komen de games die Play the City heeft georganiseerd in verschillende steden in Europa, Midden-Oosten en Afrika, en interviews met internationale gaming experts zoals Eric Gordon, Pablo Suarez en Molini Dutta aanbod.

About the author: Born in Istanbul, Ekim Tan relocated to the Netherlands after having worked and studied in the United States, Syria and Egypt. Being trained as an architect, her growing interest and passion in cities and games led to a doctoral degree at the Delft University of Technology, titled 'Negotiation and Design for the Self-organizing City: Gaming as a Method for Urban Design'. In 2008, Ekim Tan founded Play the City, an Amsterdam and Istanbul based city consultancy firm that helps governments and market parties effectively collaborate with stakeholders. Since developing the City Gaming method during her doctoral research at the Delft University of Technology, it has been applied in projects worldwide, among others, in Istanbul, Amsterdam, Tirana, Cape Town and Brussels. In her role at Play the City, Ekim Tan stays well-informed about the latest developments in societies and technologies worldwide. This helps Tan give the right direction to a young and growing firm. Meanwhile, she regularly travels to lecture and give trainings about cities and games; amongst which are Delft University of Technology, Aleppo University for Arts and Sciences, Rotterdam Architecture Academy, Amsterdam Architecture Academy, Copenhagen Business School, and Middle East Technical University.