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CUBIC JOURNAL issue #2 Gender in Design
The GREAT small: Gender Design / Other - Different - Wilfull
Bookazines / serie / Vormgeving / Mode / Theorie
Gabrielle Lai and Markus Wernli
20 x 26.5 cm / 7.87 x 10.43 inch
Copy editor: Shannon Ross - Make No Bones Studio, Hong Kong
Release date: Spring/Summer 2019
ISSN 2589-7090 (print) ISSN 2589-7101 (online)
Published in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Environmental & Interior Design, School of Design. Published with the support of The School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Cubic Research Network.
Cubic Journal is published in conjunction with Cubic Society and the Cubic Research Network as an academic platform aimed at the dissemination of design related research. Operating from within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Design, the platforms aims to draw together global scholars in order to generate, exchange and discuss contemporary questions within the pursuit of advancing knowledge through and within a number of design disciplines.
Marlous Bervoets
21.5 x 21.5
NUR 656
Verschijningsdatum: maart 2010
Inclusief DVD met film van Ivonne Zijp, Peter Krijnen en Anand Mahabier
Nederlandstalig / Engelstalig
Deze publicatie wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Fonds Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst en het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
Architectuur / Kunst / Bekroond / Vormgeving / Mode / Theorie / Stedenbouw
Kunst / Vormgeving / Mode / Final Copies
978-90-5973-115-8 [episode]
Andreas Emenius, Henrik Vibskov
28 x 24
Een co-uitgave in samenwerking met het Zeeuws Museum, Middelburg
Kunst / Vormgeving / Mode
Alastair Wiper & Henrik Vibskov
21 x 29,7 cm
Verschijningsdatum: maart 2010