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CUBIC JOURNAL issue #2 Gender in Design

+++The GREAT small: Gender Design / Other - Different - Wilfull+++

+++ Hanna Wirman & Uta Brandes [eds.]+++



Graphic designer

Gabrielle Lai and Markus Wernli

Number of pages


Book size

20 x 26.5 cm / 7.87 x 10.43 inch




Copy editor: Shannon Ross - Make No Bones Studio, Hong Kong

Release date: Spring/Summer 2019

ISSN 2589-7090 (print) ISSN 2589-7101 (online)

Published in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Environmental & Interior Design, School of Design. Published with the support of The School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Cubic Research Network.

Cubic Journal is published in conjunction with Cubic Society and the Cubic Research Network as an academic platform aimed at the dissemination of design related research. Operating from within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Design, the platforms aims to draw together global scholars in order to generate, exchange and discuss contemporary questions within the pursuit of advancing knowledge through and within a number of design disciplines.


Contributors to Cubic Journal issue #2 include: Katja Becker, Uta Brandes, Gerhard Bruyns, Leon Buker, Luisa Maria Calabrese, Tanja Godlewsky, Sugandha Gupta, Claudia Herling, Akkelies Van Nes, Sandy Ng, Hanna Wirman.

Following Beauvoir, Butler, Barad, and numerous thinkers before and after, we concur that gender is constantly constructed through the regulated repetition of acts. Here we accept the role that both design and design practice have in creating gender(s). Designed products are both the results and the material processes of constructing gender as individuals and as socio-cultural notions. As such, they are not separate entities that would merely incarnate some pre-existing conceptions. Furthermore, intersectionality allows us to consider how ethnicity, class, and regional identities, such as those best addressed through a postcolonial framework, earmarks ‘gender in design’ as a positively messy and dynamic topic. Finally, as an acknowledgement of the ‘other’ genders involved, it is hoped that an expanded discussion will further address queer identities and design concerns specific to LGBTQI creators and audiences.

The debate here commences from the valuable yet at times difficult discussions held at The GREAT small: Gender Design Conferenceco-organised by the issue editors at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2014. Gender in Design within ‘the mind’ or as a ‘discussion’, as already implied by design, is often the work of wilful subjectswhere obedience, dismissal, moral law, and negative emotions meet in face of injustices.

Issue 2 critically and analytically problematisesgender, its questions, and its appropriateness in relation to design. The interest here is centred on the question of ‘how’ genders are present and constructed through conflicts, gender fluidity, and manners of interpreting design approaches and problems. We further ask, ‘how’ the multitude of genders contributes to shaping the disciplinary course or reframes their understandings? Has the question of gender become a burden or catalyst for designers? What is the future that design should be looking at when considering gender?

The GREAT small: Gender Design / Other - Different - Wilfull

Hanna Wirman & Uta Brandes [eds.]


CUBIC JOURNAL issue #2 Gender in Design

The GREAT small: Gender Design / Other - Different - Wilfull

Hanna Wirman & Uta Brandes [eds.]


Bookazines / serie / Vormgeving / Mode / Theorie



Graphic designer

Gabrielle Lai and Markus Wernli

Number of pages


Book size

20 x 26.5 cm / 7.87 x 10.43 inch




Copy editor: Shannon Ross - Make No Bones Studio, Hong Kong

Release date: Spring/Summer 2019

ISSN 2589-7090 (print) ISSN 2589-7101 (online)

Published in cooperation with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Environmental & Interior Design, School of Design. Published with the support of The School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Cubic Research Network.

Cubic Journal is published in conjunction with Cubic Society and the Cubic Research Network as an academic platform aimed at the dissemination of design related research. Operating from within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Design, the platforms aims to draw together global scholars in order to generate, exchange and discuss contemporary questions within the pursuit of advancing knowledge through and within a number of design disciplines.

Contributors to Cubic Journal issue #2 include: Katja Becker, Uta Brandes, Gerhard Bruyns, Leon Buker, Luisa Maria Calabrese, Tanja Godlewsky, Sugandha Gupta, Claudia Herling, Akkelies Van Nes, Sandy Ng, Hanna Wirman.

Following Beauvoir, Butler, Barad, and numerous thinkers before and after, we concur that gender is constantly constructed through the regulated repetition of acts. Here we accept the role that both design and design practice have in creating gender(s). Designed products are both the results and the material processes of constructing gender as individuals and as socio-cultural notions. As such, they are not separate entities that would merely incarnate some pre-existing conceptions. Furthermore, intersectionality allows us to consider how ethnicity, class, and regional identities, such as those best addressed through a postcolonial framework, earmarks ‘gender in design’ as a positively messy and dynamic topic. Finally, as an acknowledgement of the ‘other’ genders involved, it is hoped that an expanded discussion will further address queer identities and design concerns specific to LGBTQI creators and audiences.

The debate here commences from the valuable yet at times difficult discussions held at The GREAT small: Gender Design Conferenceco-organised by the issue editors at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2014. Gender in Design within ‘the mind’ or as a ‘discussion’, as already implied by design, is often the work of wilful subjectswhere obedience, dismissal, moral law, and negative emotions meet in face of injustices.

Issue 2 critically and analytically problematisesgender, its questions, and its appropriateness in relation to design. The interest here is centred on the question of ‘how’ genders are present and constructed through conflicts, gender fluidity, and manners of interpreting design approaches and problems. We further ask, ‘how’ the multitude of genders contributes to shaping the disciplinary course or reframes their understandings? Has the question of gender become a burden or catalyst for designers? What is the future that design should be looking at when considering gender?