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Artist books

Myriad Ways of Being ~ Being of Myriad Ways. Simone Albers


+++Simone Albers+++

ISBN 978-94-92852-98-4
Price € 20,00
Texts Stijn Geutjes, Loes van Beuningen, Susan Peeters, Sabine Winters, Wouter Engelbart 
Editor Mirjam Westen
Copy editing Mirjam Westen, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Simone Albers
Translation Beverley Jackson
Design Dana Dijkgraaf Design
Photography Peter Cox, Tommy Smits, Koen Kievits, Johannes Schwartz, Aalt van de Glind, Marc Elisabeth
Number of pages 112
Book size 20.9 x 28.4 cm
Binding Softcover
Language English / Dutch
Printer Graphius
Release date November 2023
Publisher Jap Sam Books 
Partner Sieger White Stichting / Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

This publication is published on the occasion of the granting of the Sieger White Award to Simone Albers in 2022 and of her solo exhibition at Maurits van de Laar Gallery, in The Hague, November 2023.


| With a stunning design by Dana Dijkgraaf

Visual artist Simone Albers (1990, Nijmegen) is fascinated by the cosmos. She investigates the mechanisms hidden behind the directly perceivable world. Albers depicts its complexity in colorful landscapes; with meandering shapes and whirlpools of galaxies and black holes, Albers transports us into a cosmic flow.

 In Myriad Ways of Being ~ Being of Myriad Ways, authors Loes van Beuningen, Susan Peeters, Sabine Winters and Wouter Engelbart illuminate the ways in which Albers makes the invisible cosmos visible and makes connections between everything that lives and is.                 

Simone Albers is the winner of the Sieger White Award 2022, a stipend for talented artists under 35 from the eastern Netherlands.

The Sieger White Award was first awarded in 2012. The award is designated as an encouragement to a young artist aged under 35 from the east of the Netherlands. It consists of the guarantee of a book publication worth €25,000 on the artist’s work, to be accompanied by an exhibition at a leading art gallery – in the west of the country. Book and exhibition are intended to help a gifted painter who has already developed a modest oeuvre of some standing to take the next step in his or her career. 

The award is named after the painter couple Fred Sieger (Amsterdam 1902 – Zevenaar 1999) and his wife Helen White (New York 1911 – Zevenaar 2010).


Simone Albers


Myriad Ways of Being ~ Being of Myriad Ways. Simone Albers

Simone Albers


Kunst / Artist books / Nieuwe titels

ISBN 978-94-92852-98-4
Price € 20,00
Texts Stijn Geutjes, Loes van Beuningen, Susan Peeters, Sabine Winters, Wouter Engelbart 
Editor Mirjam Westen
Copy editing Mirjam Westen, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Simone Albers
Translation Beverley Jackson
Design Dana Dijkgraaf Design
Photography Peter Cox, Tommy Smits, Koen Kievits, Johannes Schwartz, Aalt van de Glind, Marc Elisabeth
Number of pages 112
Book size 20.9 x 28.4 cm
Binding Softcover
Language English / Dutch
Printer Graphius
Release date November 2023
Publisher Jap Sam Books 
Partner Sieger White Stichting / Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

This publication is published on the occasion of the granting of the Sieger White Award to Simone Albers in 2022 and of her solo exhibition at Maurits van de Laar Gallery, in The Hague, November 2023.

| With a stunning design by Dana Dijkgraaf

Visual artist Simone Albers (1990, Nijmegen) is fascinated by the cosmos. She investigates the mechanisms hidden behind the directly perceivable world. Albers depicts its complexity in colorful landscapes; with meandering shapes and whirlpools of galaxies and black holes, Albers transports us into a cosmic flow.

 In Myriad Ways of Being ~ Being of Myriad Ways, authors Loes van Beuningen, Susan Peeters, Sabine Winters and Wouter Engelbart illuminate the ways in which Albers makes the invisible cosmos visible and makes connections between everything that lives and is.                 

Simone Albers is the winner of the Sieger White Award 2022, a stipend for talented artists under 35 from the eastern Netherlands.

The Sieger White Award was first awarded in 2012. The award is designated as an encouragement to a young artist aged under 35 from the east of the Netherlands. It consists of the guarantee of a book publication worth €25,000 on the artist’s work, to be accompanied by an exhibition at a leading art gallery – in the west of the country. Book and exhibition are intended to help a gifted painter who has already developed a modest oeuvre of some standing to take the next step in his or her career. 

The award is named after the painter couple Fred Sieger (Amsterdam 1902 – Zevenaar 1999) and his wife Helen White (New York 1911 – Zevenaar 2010).