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Artist books



+++Jannemarein Renout+++

ISBN 978-94-93329-25-6
Price € 39.95
Initiated & produced by Jannemarein Renout
Texts Steven Humblet, Taco Hidde Bakker among other
Final editing Eleonoor Jap Sam
Design Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder
Number of pages 320
Book size 23 x 31 cm
Binding softcover, Japanese binding, with four different covers
Language English 
Release date Spring 2025
Publisher Jap Sam Books

Made possible with the support of Duco Hardijk & Arnoud Ploos van Amstel, Stichting Jaap Harten Fonds, Cultuurfonds / JoostTholensFonds, Galerie Bart


Visual artist Jannemarein Renout works with the medium of photography to gain a better understanding of the influence of the digital image world around us. How we experience, know, judge and act in function of these images. In her practice, she explores the space for other ways of seeing in a world increasingly controlled by devices and algorithms. Her work emerges at the pivotal point of cooperation and struggle between humans and devices.

Included in the publication RAIN is a series of work that arose from constantly pushing the possibilities of the device and its programme. The artist placed office scanners outdoors. The scanner's lamp was turned off so that the programme became receptive to the changing outdoor light. Eventually, the scanners started painting with the rain. In this way, the rain was given a direct voice in a digital world. An enigmatic collaboration between the unpredictability of nature and the controlled world of the device.

Jannemarein Renout is a lawyer and visual artist. She holds both a Master in Law and a Master in Fine Arts (cum laude). After a legal career, she graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2014. In 2021, she completed her Master in Painting (cum laude) at the Frank Mohr Institute in Groningen. She has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally. Such as Museum Kranenburgh (Bergen, NL), the Nederlands Fotomuseum (Rotterdam, NL), Photo Basel (Basel, CH), Approche (Paris, FR) and Fotomuseum Winterthur (Winterthur, CH). Her work has been nominated several times and represented in several collections.

Jannemarein Renout



Jannemarein Renout


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Kunst / Artist books / Fotografie / Verwacht

ISBN 978-94-93329-25-6
Price € 39.95
Initiated & produced by Jannemarein Renout
Texts Steven Humblet, Taco Hidde Bakker among other
Final editing Eleonoor Jap Sam
Design Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder
Number of pages 320
Book size 23 x 31 cm
Binding softcover, Japanese binding, with four different covers
Language English 
Release date Spring 2025
Publisher Jap Sam Books

Made possible with the support of Duco Hardijk & Arnoud Ploos van Amstel, Stichting Jaap Harten Fonds, Cultuurfonds / JoostTholensFonds, Galerie Bart

Visual artist Jannemarein Renout works with the medium of photography to gain a better understanding of the influence of the digital image world around us. How we experience, know, judge and act in function of these images. In her practice, she explores the space for other ways of seeing in a world increasingly controlled by devices and algorithms. Her work emerges at the pivotal point of cooperation and struggle between humans and devices.

Included in the publication RAIN is a series of work that arose from constantly pushing the possibilities of the device and its programme. The artist placed office scanners outdoors. The scanner's lamp was turned off so that the programme became receptive to the changing outdoor light. Eventually, the scanners started painting with the rain. In this way, the rain was given a direct voice in a digital world. An enigmatic collaboration between the unpredictability of nature and the controlled world of the device.

Jannemarein Renout is a lawyer and visual artist. She holds both a Master in Law and a Master in Fine Arts (cum laude). After a legal career, she graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2014. In 2021, she completed her Master in Painting (cum laude) at the Frank Mohr Institute in Groningen. She has exhibited widely both nationally and internationally. Such as Museum Kranenburgh (Bergen, NL), the Nederlands Fotomuseum (Rotterdam, NL), Photo Basel (Basel, CH), Approche (Paris, FR) and Fotomuseum Winterthur (Winterthur, CH). Her work has been nominated several times and represented in several collections.