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  • Verboden Landschap
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    Verboden Landschap

    Sporen en verhalen van een Duits-Nederlands cultuurlandschap

    Hans Jungerius


    Architectuur / Kunst / Bookazines / serie / Landschap / Nieuwe titels



    Grafisch ontwerp

    since 1416 - creative studio

    Aantal pagina's

    14.8 x 21 cm




    Hans Jungerius


    Caro Delsing, Eleonoor Jap Sam






    Oro Grafisch Projectmanagement

    Verschijningsdatum Juli 2022

    Mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Mondriaan Fonds, Provincie Gelderland, Gemeente Arnhem, ARK Natuurontwikkeling, Stichting Verborgen Landschap

    Deze publicatie is het nulnummer van de serie OtherGuides, uitgegeven door Jap Sam Books, onder hoofdredactie van Hans Jungerius.

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  • As Above, So Below 🙃
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    As Above, So Below 🙃

    Ruchama Noorda

    Dick Hebdige, Ruchama Noorda (text)


    Kunst / Artist books / Bekroond / Film / video / Landschap / Nieuwe titels / Fotografie

    ISBN 978-94-92852-56-4
    Price € 39.95
    Text Dick Hebdige, Ruchama Noorda
    Graphic design Sabine Verschueren
    Printer Wilco Art Books
    Number of pages 252
    Book size 23x29.5cm
    Binding Hardcover
    Language English 
    Release date June 2022
    Publisher Jap Sam Books, and made possible with the support of Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds, Tijl Fonds/Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds  

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  • The Public Interior as Idea and Project
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    Architectuur / Landschap / Nieuwe titels / Fotografie / Theorie / Stedenbouw



    Grafisch vormgever

    Studio Joost Grootens, Joost Grootens, Silke Koeck

    Aantal pagina's



    17 x 24 cm




    Verschijningsdatum: Eerste editie: oktober 2016. Tweede editie: mei 2022

    Deze publicatie wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie.

    Deze publicatie wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door de TU Delft.

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  • What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond
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    What speaks to us. Arjan van Helmond

    Fragments in time, space and painting

    Arjan van Helmond


    Kunst / Artist books / Nieuwe titels

    ISBN 978-94-92852-55-7
    Price € 35.-
    Editors Renee Schuiten-Kniepstra, Eleonoor Jap Sam
    Texts  Jeremiah Day, Marieke Jooren, Georges Perec, Arjan van Helmond
    Graphic design PutGootink
    Printer Drukkerij Tuijtel
    Lithography Marc Gijzen
    Number of pages 192
    Book size 23.3 x 28 cm
    Binding softcover Japanese binding, dust jacket
    Language English | Dutch
    Release date April 2022
    Publisher Jap Sam Books
    Made possible with the support of Mondriaan Fund, Jaap Harten Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Voordekunst
    Promotional photos ©The Book Photographer

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  • Critical Mass. Jasper de Beijer
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    Critical Mass. Jasper de Beijer

    Jasper de Beijer, Arnoud van Aalst, Diana Wind, Merel Bem


    Kunst / Nieuwe titels



    Graphisch ontwerper

    Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder, Gianluca Flütch, Christian Knöpfe)

    Aantal pagina's



    24 x 32cm




    Diana Beaufort, wordsontherun, Robert van der Walle


    Arnoud van Aalst, Merl Bem, Diana Wind


    Diana Wind, Eleonoor Jap Sam


    NPN drukkers


    Lancering: Januari 2022

    Engels Nederlands


    Deze publicatie is mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de toekenning van de Agnes van den Brandeler Museumprijs 2020 en verschijnt bij de tentoonstelling Jasper de Beijer. Critical Mass in Museum Rijswijk van 30 januari – 18 april 2022.

    Voor informatie over de kunstenaar Jasper de Beijer klik hier

    Voor informatie over Museum Rijswijk click hier

    "Bij de tentoonstelling verschijnt deze prachtig vormgegeven publicatie die niet geheel toevallig dezelfde gelaagd- heid heeft als de tentoonstelling; het proces, het resultaat en
    de bijbehorende referenties komen ruimschoots aan bod. Duik in het brein van Jasper de Beijer en laat je meevoeren langs de flarden wereldgeschiedenis die als een droom aan je voorbijtrekken. En grijp elkaar vast als je je evenwicht dreigt te verliezen."

    - Arnoud van Aalst, Directeur van Museum Rijswijk

    De werelden die Jasper de Beijer (Amsterdam, 1973) ons in zijn fotowerken voorschotelt zijn fascinerend, herkenbaar en vervreemdend tegelijk. Zijn werk gaat over het proces van kijken, zien en interpreteren. Eerst denk je dat het een foto van de werkelijkheid is, maar dan wordt duidelijk dat het een foto van een papieren maquette is. Je dwaalt door de voorstelling die nu meer is dan een foto. Je moet er iets mee, maar wat? En dat is precies de vraag die de kunstenaar aan ons stelt: Weet je wel wat je ziet?

    De publicatie Critical Mass. Jasper de Beijer en de gelijknamige tentoon- stelling zijn mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de toekenning van de Agnes van den Brandeler Museumprijs aan Museum Rijswijk en de kunstenaar.

    Met tekst contributies van Arnoud van Aalst, Diana Wind en Merel Bem.

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  • Remy Jungerman. Where the River Runs & Behind the Forest set
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  • This Naked Incident
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    This Naked Incident

    Alexander van der Heide & Sander Coers


    Kunst / Nieuwe titels / Fotografie


    978-94-92852- 50-2

    Graphic designer

    HOAX (Bram Buijs)

    Number of pages


    Book size

    22.5 x 26 cm



    English | Dutch

    Release date: December 2021

    This book is published by Jap Sam Books in collaboration with MAMA and research centre Willem de Kooning Academy.

    Promotional photos credit: Barbara Medo


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  • Celebrating Patterns. Christie van der Haak
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    Celebrating Patterns. Christie van der Haak

    Christie van der Haak, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Studio Renate Boere [eds]


    Kunst / Vormgeving / Nieuwe titels



    Grafisch ontwerper

    Studio Renate Boere



    Boek formaat

    31,2 x 24,3 cm




    Marie Louise Schoondergang


    Arthur Crucq, Jeannine Hövelings, Yvonne Oordijk & Philip Peters

    Tekst redactie

    Ronja Driessen, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Marie Louise Schoondergang


    Eleonoor Jap Sam


    Graphius Group Ghent, (BE)

    Engels Nederlands

    Verschijningsdatum: januari 2022

    Deze publicatie is uitgegeven door Jap Sam Books en mede mogelijk gemaakt Jaap Harten fonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds/Elisabeth Vermaat Müller, Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industrie & Stedelijk Museum Kampen.

    Voor meer informatie over de kunstenaar/ontwerper:

    De tentoonstelling Christie van der Haak Nouveau Deco. Every Pattern Has A Meaning is te zien tot 30 januari 2022 bij het Stedelijk Museum Kampen

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  • jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome
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    jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome

    Antonis Pittas


    Kunst / Bekroond / Nieuwe titels


    978-94-92852- 44-1

    Graphic designer

    Alex Farrar


    Lisa Bakker, Eleonoor Jap Sam


    Maria Barnas, I.K. Bonset, Laurie Cluitmans, Johan F. Hartle, Dirk van den Heuvel, Bram Ieven, Bruno Latour, Thalia Ostendorf, Bart Rutten, Doris Wintgens


    die Keure, Bruges, Belgium & binding Brepols

    Number of pages


    Book size

    10 x 20 cm



    English | French | Dutch

    Release date: January 2022




    Made possible with the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Jaap Harten Fonds, Centraal Museum, Reflexfolie and Sign & Safety

    This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Act on modernism with Antonis Pittas and Theo van Doesburg at Centraal Museum, Utrecht.  

    With text contributions by Maria Barnas, I.K. Bonset, Laurie Cluitmans, Johan F. Hartle, Dirk van den Heuvel, Bram Ieven, Bruno Latour, Thalia Ostendorf, Bart Rutten, Doris Wintgens.

    The publication jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It reflects on the failing of modernity, with contributions by authors from the field of art history, architecture, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and poetry.

    The book is an extension of Pittas’ residency and research at the Van Doesburghuis in 2019, coincided with the yellow vests protest, where Pittas turned the Van Doesburghuis into a performative crime scene. The murder of modernity. Based on this project, the Centraal Museum in Utrecht invited Pittas for a solo exhibition, where he curated works of Theo Van Doesburg and juxtaposed them with his work as a staged scenography of dialogue. The installation looks at the heritage of De Stijl through the current political lenses.

    Antonis Pittas (1973, Athens) is a visual artist who lives and works in Amsterdam.  He is an honorary fellow in the faculty of humanities at the University of Amsterdam, where he conducts research and produces work under the heading Recycling History (Contemporising History/Historicising the Contemporary). His artistic practice focuses on contemporary social and political issues, exploring topics such safety and control, economic crises and acts of resistance, as well as violence and vandalism.

    Promotional photo's by The Book Photographer©

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  • Book set jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome & Antonis Pittas: Road to Victory
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  • Sneeuweieren / Snow Eggs
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    Sneeuweieren / Snow Eggs

    Peggy Verzett


    Kunst / Nieuwe titels



    Graphic designer

    Paul Bogaers

    Number of pages


    Book size

    11.6 x 16.7 cm



    Dutch | English

    Translation: Pim Wiersinga

    Release date: November 2021

    The cookbook that doesn’t quite fit the genre and refers to much-needed uncertainty on an empty stomach. 

    Yet another cookbook you’ll think! As if the mountain of cookbooks wasn’t high enough already! But dear hungry reader, one cookbook was still missing; the cookbook that doesn’t quite fit the genre and refers to much-needed uncertainty with an empty stomach. A cookbook that harks back to alchemy. Because the imperative mood is so annoying and needs to be exploited. Because the world of the psyche has endless contents that all want to feel they’re being fed.

    In Snow Eggs seven dishes for seven different mental states of being have been collected. All our digesting causes great difficulties for the finest alleys in our softest facial expressions. Art helps to digest the uncertain instead of regurgitating what we already know. The menus in this cookbook belong to an old stomach that has been mapped, a stomach in which it’s all about slownesses in dark silences.

    Peggy Verzett (1958) is a poet, painter and singer. She made her debut at publishing house Van Oorschot in Amsterdam, with Prijken die buik. In 2010, Vissing, was published by Querido. Haar Vliegstro, appeared in 2016. Her fourth collection of poetry will be published in 2022. ‘Poetry can communicate before it is understood’, said T.S. Elliot. This quote has become her artistic mantra; sometimes hermetics as well as supple playfulness are present in her work. The first Jana Beranova Prize was awarded to her in 2019 for her idiosyncratic oeuvre.

    In the works of Paul Bogaers (1961) association and suggestion play an important role.  His general approach can be described as the ‘collage method’; although his work, through the years, has taken many a turn, ‘combination has always remained to be Bogaers’ central theme. At the beginning of his career he made name in photography as one of the forerunners of the present interest of photographers in ‘vernacular photography’ and integration of found imagery in their work.

    Pim Wiersinga (1954) is a novelist, and made his debut in 1992 with Honingvogels (honeybirds) in the Antwerp Zoo, where this novel is set. Late 2021 or early 2022 Zena’s Arena will be published, an epic about the decline of classical antiquity – which was far from ideal.

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    Anna Bates


    Architectuur / Nieuwe titels


    978-94-92852- 47-2


    Sabine Krese

    Graphic designer

    SJG (Joost Grootens, Julie da Silva, Carina Schwake)

    Number of pages


    Book size

    12.5 x 19 cm




    Release date: March 2022

    What is inspiration? What inspires you? 111 INCEPTION is a chain of inspiration, which involves 111 architects from around the world.

    This book was not guided by theory, yet it grew out of a search for new ways to look at authorship, ideas and inspiration. The experimental and playful character of the project itself, with its unpredictable outcomes, allowed for a much needed change of perspective—away from the traditional approach to creation characteristic of modernity and towards inspiration—which does not respect borders.

    The exhibition 100 Experiments. Inspiration in Design Processes was on show at AEDES Gallery, Berlin in 2019.

    ‘Design is not only what you see, but how it makes you feel today and how it creates your tomorrow.’ - Anna Bates

    Just a century ago Theo van Doesburg, the leading representative of De Stijl, created the painting The Rhythm of a Russian Dance (1918). Van Doesburg worked not only as a versatile artist, but also as an editor of the magazine De Stijl. He contributed to various journals and was member of various artist societies. It was his strength, as a spider in the international web and an as a networker avant-la-lettre, to forge bonds between fellow artists, architects and graphic designers, to bring them together through congresses, lectures and artist groups to promote their work.

    Eleven years later in 1929 this painting by Van Doesburg became an inspiration for Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich, for the German Pavilion at the 1929 World’s Fair in Barcelona. Van Doesburg’s geometrical abstraction helped to radically re-imagine the very idea of a building, gave freedom to space and quite literally brought down the walls of prior architectural conventions. The building was to become a major inspiration for the further development of modern architecture and an iconic example of the modernist aesthetic

    How does inspiration move through the atmosphere? How do we inspire each other? And how does creative inspiration itself change through each person’s unique experience? To find out, Anna Bates set an experiment by tasking one architect to use the painting of Van Doesburg as a stimulus for creating his/her own work, which would then be passed on to other architects, who in turn would draw inspiration for their new work, and over time growing into a web of conversation, interplay and inspiration—a dance all on its own. In 2017 as a starting point of this project, American architect Gary Bates of Space Group was invited to create the first work in the chain of architects.

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