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Unruly Kinships


+++Kris Dittel, Aneta Rostkowska [Eds.]+++

ISBN 978-94-93329-29-4
Price € 30.-
Editors Kris Dittel, Aneta Rostkowska
Contributors  Alex Bailey and Krõõt Juurak, Kris Dittel, Clem Edwards, Alva Gotby, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Pauline Curnier Jardin and the Feel Good Cooperative, Anja Khersonska and Yin Aiwen, Sophie Lewis, Khanyisile Mbongwa and Li’Tsoanelo Zwane, Paloma Nana, Lola Olufemi, Lena Anouk Philipp, Liz Rosenfeld, Aneta Rostkowska, Selma Selman, Suzanna Slack, Jay Tan, Fran Trento
Final & managing editor Kris Dittel
Design Roxanne Maillet i.c.w. Hannah Baklien, Garance Hebrard
Proofreading Kris Dittel, Thea Miklowski, Eleonoor Jap Sam
German translations Anja Hellhammer, Anja Schulte
German copy editing Gitte Moll
Number of pages 288
Book size 15.5 x 220 cm
Printer Tallinn Book Printers
Binding softcover with flaps
Language English / German
Release date Spring 2025
Publisher Jap Sam Books / Temporary Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art, Zeitgenössische Kunst, Cologne

Made possible with the support of Stiftung Kunstfonds, Kunststiftung NRW, and the Mondriaan Fund


Unruly Kinships examines the possibilities and forms of kinship and the ways we may create relations with/in the world. Through essays, artistic reflections and conversations, it delves into kinship as something to be made and not given – as an ongoing process of relational experimentation.

Spanning three chapters and featuring contributions from artists, theorists and writers, this book ventures into unruly desires, ancestral connections and liberatory forms of care to envision expansive possibilities for kinship.

By challenging the boundaries of blood relations, Unruly Kinships inspires a reimagining of care, solidarity and connection in a world where the nuclear family no longer holds absolute sway.

Unruly Kinships was part of a broader initiative ‘Islands of Kinship: A Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions’, in which Temporary Gallery CCA collaborated with six international partner institutions: Jindřich Chalupecký Society (Prague), Latvian Center for Contemporary Art (Riga), Frame Contemporary Art Finland (Helsinki), Július Koller Society (Bratislava), FRU – Faculty of things that can't be learned (Skopje), and Stroom Den Haag (The Hague). ‘Islands of Kinship’ is co-funded by the EU Programme Creative Europe.

Kris Dittel, Aneta Rostkowska [Eds.]


Unruly Kinships

Kris Dittel, Aneta Rostkowska [Eds.]


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Kunst / Theorie / Verwacht

ISBN 978-94-93329-29-4
Price € 30.-
Editors Kris Dittel, Aneta Rostkowska
Contributors  Alex Bailey and Krõõt Juurak, Kris Dittel, Clem Edwards, Alva Gotby, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Pauline Curnier Jardin and the Feel Good Cooperative, Anja Khersonska and Yin Aiwen, Sophie Lewis, Khanyisile Mbongwa and Li’Tsoanelo Zwane, Paloma Nana, Lola Olufemi, Lena Anouk Philipp, Liz Rosenfeld, Aneta Rostkowska, Selma Selman, Suzanna Slack, Jay Tan, Fran Trento
Final & managing editor Kris Dittel
Design Roxanne Maillet i.c.w. Hannah Baklien, Garance Hebrard
Proofreading Kris Dittel, Thea Miklowski, Eleonoor Jap Sam
German translations Anja Hellhammer, Anja Schulte
German copy editing Gitte Moll
Number of pages 288
Book size 15.5 x 220 cm
Printer Tallinn Book Printers
Binding softcover with flaps
Language English / German
Release date Spring 2025
Publisher Jap Sam Books / Temporary Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art, Zeitgenössische Kunst, Cologne

Made possible with the support of Stiftung Kunstfonds, Kunststiftung NRW, and the Mondriaan Fund

Unruly Kinships examines the possibilities and forms of kinship and the ways we may create relations with/in the world. Through essays, artistic reflections and conversations, it delves into kinship as something to be made and not given – as an ongoing process of relational experimentation.

Spanning three chapters and featuring contributions from artists, theorists and writers, this book ventures into unruly desires, ancestral connections and liberatory forms of care to envision expansive possibilities for kinship.

By challenging the boundaries of blood relations, Unruly Kinships inspires a reimagining of care, solidarity and connection in a world where the nuclear family no longer holds absolute sway.

Unruly Kinships was part of a broader initiative ‘Islands of Kinship: A Collective Manual for Sustainable and Inclusive Art Institutions’, in which Temporary Gallery CCA collaborated with six international partner institutions: Jindřich Chalupecký Society (Prague), Latvian Center for Contemporary Art (Riga), Frame Contemporary Art Finland (Helsinki), Július Koller Society (Bratislava), FRU – Faculty of things that can't be learned (Skopje), and Stroom Den Haag (The Hague). ‘Islands of Kinship’ is co-funded by the EU Programme Creative Europe.