Best Dutch Book Designs 2022 catalogue & jury report

Let's have a look at the catalogue and jury reports of the Best Dutch Book Designs of 2022!
The professional jury has selected two titles by Jap Sam Books, jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome by Antonis Pittas, and As Above, So Below by Ruchama Noorda. The student jury has selected jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome as well! Additionally, they have also selected RAABJERG. Rune Peitersen.
The professional catalogue with a design by Akiko Wakabayashi consists of three parts: MEET THE BOOK, OPEN THE BOOK, and TALK ABOUT THE BOOK. Below we have shared the images of the pages including the selected Jap Sam Books titles.

Order jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome >>>
Order As Above, So Below >>>
The student catalogue is designed by Jeanne Gironde (Gerrit Rietveld Academy). Upon the first look the spreads about the selected titles consist of an image of the book, the book specifications, and the jury report. If you look closer you will find that the pages have a slightly ribbed edge. The pages can be ripped open to reveal quotes from the recordings of the jury discussions, really interesting to get a taste of the behind the scenes like this.

Order RAABJERG. Rune Peitersen >>>