Book launch "Mother's Milk" - January 19th Looiersgracht 60

As part of the Archive Event VII: Honeycombing (a dual presentation from artists Elena Khurtova and Marie Ilse Bourlanges) the upcoming limited edition artist book Mother's Milk by artist Marie Ilse Bourlanges will be launched on Thursday January 19th.
Mother’s Milk (re)constructs the story of Ilse, the author’s grandmother. Alienated in the psychiatric hospital of La Timone, in Marseille, Ilse resided there from 1952 until her death in 1983. Bringing together archival material, correspondences and conversations narrated via documentary poetry, Marie Ilse Bourlanges assembles the fragments of a family history hiding in plain sight. The publication is designed by Alix Chauvet in close collaboration with the artist, with an introduction text by Marta Pagliuca Pelacani. For this event Marie Ilse Bourlanges has developed a text-based performance with excerpts of Mother's Milk and inspired by EMDR, a form of therapy to treat post traumatic stress disorder. The performance will be followed by a discussion between the artist, Marta Pagliuca Pelacani (artistic researcher and editor), and Alix Chauvet (designer).
Book launch
Thursday January 19th Looiersgracht 60
18:00-20:00 (17:30 doors open)
18:15-18:45 Performance
19:00-19:30 Talk
The book launch of Mother's Milk will start with a performance. The performance will be followed by a discussion between the artist, Marta Pagliuca Pelacani (artistic researcher and editor and Alix Chauvet (graphic designer)
To attend one or both of the events of January 19th and/or January 21st, please RSVP to and indicatie which event you would like to attend. During the events we will be present and we will have publications with us for sale.
The installations can be viewed from Thursday Januari 19th until Saturday January 21st, every day from 12:00-20:00
To read more about the artists and their respective projects and research >>>
Pre-order Mother's Milk >>>