Jap Sam Books at Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair online edition

A selection of our publications is on view at the virtual art book & zine exhibition by Fanzineist Vienna until August 25th!
Fanzineist Vienna brings together small and independent publishers. Their goal is making zines and art book smore accessible to its audience through exhibition, workshops and lectures whilst introducing newcomers to the culture of self-publication.
Visit the virtual exhibition >>>
Some of the publications that we have on view at the fair:

The book The Academy of the Sublime shows a selection of Erik Odijk's work from 2005 to the present. The book consists of three separate 'magazines' and illustraties the three different disciplines in the artist's oeuvre by means of 150 illustrations. The separate magazines are combined in a single large format folder. The large format allows the viewer/reader to disappear into Odijk's work, as it were, because the details of the work are clearly visible in this way.
Book design by Studio Joost Grootens (Joost Grootens, Dimitri Jeannottat)
Order the Academy of the Sublime

Koen Taselaar. Rollable Ramblings is the first comprehensive publication on the textile work of Koen Taselaar (Rotterdam 1986). The majority of Rollable Ramblings comprises reproductions of his tapestries, and zoom-ins on them. This visual component is complemented with essays shedding light on the works, and on the history of textile art in general, written by art critic Katalin Herzog.
Book design by Team Thursday
Order Koen Taselaar. Rollable Ramblings

The publication jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome discusses the failure, collapse and historicization of the modernist ideals espoused by Theo van Doesburg, set against the current political backdrop of mass protest. It reflects on the failing of modernity, with contributions by authors from the field of art history, architecture, philosophy, anthropology, sociology and poetry.
Book design by Alex Farrar
Order jaune, geel, gelb, yellow. Monochrome