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  • "Felwa" by Arja Hop & Peter Svenson launched at Huis Marseille
  • Ronja Driessen
  • Book launch photography

"Felwa" by Arja Hop & Peter Svenson launched at Huis Marseille

Thursday May 23rd Arja Hop & Peter Svenson presented their latest publication, titled Felwa at Huis Marseille. In this book, Hop & Svenson explore an essential paradox of nature, in the context of the Veluwe region in the Netherlands, namely that change is the only constant. After director of Huis Marseille Nanda van den Berg welcomed everyone, writer Lucette ter Borg and botanical philosopher Norbert Peeters  – who also wrote a text for the book – spoke about the book. The first copy of the book was presented to graphic designer Edwin van Gelder by Arja & Peter.

The photo-book Felwa is a chronicle of transitions that explore an essential paradox of nature, namely that change is the only constant. Structured like ripples in a pool, the book begins with references to the past examining our ancient emotional relationship with the world in terms of mythology and belief and ends with the scientific data based view we have today. Within these parameters we explore relationships to place ranging from the 10,000 years of human habitation to one summer during which everything changed

The book contains an analogue photographic record in sections where a specific environment such as the farmyard in relation to a human life, the grassland in a re-wilding process from agricultural land to nature reserve, the brook as a primal vein, the forest where old stories still wander, the burial mounds that refer to millennia of human activity and the age-old habitat of vegetation. come together in image and language.

As a leitmotif throughout the publication are extracted plant dyes, or Florachromes, and their names, taken from plants growing in relevant locations  linking the different time zones.

Photography by Arja Hop, Peter Svenson, texts by Lucette ter Borg, Thomas Schirmböck, Nina Svenson, Bill Barnes, Norbert Peeters, Robert van Altena, Annemiek Rens, editing & proofreading by Shelly Warren, Eleonoor Jap Sam, Claud Biemans, editing of scientific plant names by Claud Biemans, design by Mainstudio, Edwin van Gelder, translation by Michele Hutchison, Jacob Heeringa, Paulien Tichelaar, Dr. Jeremy Gaines, Jacqueline Gilbert, Hanna Mattes, Kate Eaton & Roger Eaton, cinemathography by Lucas de Kort, printing by, Jos Morree, Fine Books, lithography by Alex Feenstra

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  • Post author
    Ronja Driessen
  • Book launch photography