Looking back - Book launch "Interwoven. Diana Scherer"

Last month Interwoven. Diana Scherer. Excersises in Root System Domestication, an innovative research in grown plant root textiles and material by artist Diana Scherer was launched in conjuction with the large solo exhibition Farming Textiles in Museum Kranenburgh in Bergen, NL (October 1, 2023 - March 10, 2024).
This publication is beautifully designed by Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder), with a dust jacket and a range of beautiful paper types, translated by Christina Oberstebrink and Caspar Wijers, and edited by Eleonoor Jap Sam, Mainstudio (Edwin van Gelder) and Diana Scherer.
Made possible with the kind support of the Mondriaan Fund, Creative Industries Fund NL, Jaap Harten Fonds, Cultuurfonds, and Museum Kranenburgh.