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Shortlist Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture 'Healing Sites'

Shortlist Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture 'Healing Sites'

The jury of the Prix de Rome has selected four entries for the shortlist for the Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture: Healing Sites from 53 anonymous entries. The Prix de Rome is the oldest and most generous award in the Netherlands for visual artists under the age of 40 and architects under the age of 35. Jap Sam Books will publish the accompanying publication. Today we will introduce you to the architects and their submission for the open call from which they were selected. 

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REPRINT 'The Public Interior as Idea and Project by Mark Pimlott'

REPRINT 'The Public Interior as Idea and Project by Mark Pimlott'

From now on the second print of The Public Interior as Idea and Project by artist and designer Mark Pimlott is available for purchase! First released in 2016 and declared one of the Best books of 2016: Architecture and Design by the Financial Times.

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Shortlist Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture announced

Shortlist Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture announced

The International jury of the Prix de Rome has selected four entries for the shortlist of Prix de Rome 2022 Architecture: Healing Sites from 53 anonymous entries. The shortlist candidates are: Arna Mackic, Dividual (Andrea Bit and MAciej Wieczorkowski), Lesia Topolnyk, and Studio KIWI (Kim Kool and Willemijn van Manen).

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Book presentation GABO. Portrait of a Sculpture / Portret van een sculptuur

Book presentation GABO. Portrait of a Sculpture / Portret van een sculptuur

Thursday April 7th in Zaal Staal from 17.00-19:00 in Rotterdam Jap Sam Books will present together with Sculpture International Rotterdam (SIR), Beeldende Kunst & Openbare Ruimte (BKOR) and CBK Rotterdam the publication GABO. Portrait of a Sculpture / Portret van een sculptuur. 

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SAVE THE DATE! Book launch Future Cities - 09.03.2022

SAVE THE DATE! Book launch Future Cities - 09.03.2022

We are happy to announce that Future Cities. Stories behind the statistics of urbanization and growth will be launched on March 9, from 5 till 7 pm at Pakhuis de Zwijger (on location and online).

For RSVP: Pakhuis de Zwijger Free admission.

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